Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Chapter Three - The Agitators

Every movement has its firebrands. The Labor Movement had Joe Hill and Emma Goldman. The Civil Rights Movement had Stokely Carmichael and Robert Williams. The Black Power Movement had Huey Newton and Malcolm X. The Progressive Movement of the Twenty-First Century is no different, offering us plenty of rowdies to emulate and stand beside in their efforts to improve America.

Each of these individuals has taken on the powers-that-be without recoiling, raising as much hell as possible for their particular causes despite enormous resistance from the forces of the established power elite. We can learn a lot from these individuals, who exemplify the spirit of the progressive movement in everything they do.

Kevin Barrett
Jim Hightower
Aaron Dixon
Ralph Nader

Inside the Book:

Book Jacket
Chapter One - The Commentators
Chapter Two- The Investigators

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