Kevin is also the author of a great new autobiography entitled "Truth Jihad: My Epic Struggle Against the 9/11 Big Lie", coming soon to a bookstore near you!
"Currently 84% of the American people do not believe the official story -- but only 36% realize it was mass murder and high treason by their own leaders. Once that 36% rises to over 50% the Big Lie will come crashing down, and the genocide plans will grind to a halt."
Okay, Kevin Barrett, author of "Truth Jihad: My Epic Struggle Against the 9/11 Big Lie", what is the 9/11 Big Lie and why should my readers care?
In Mein Kampf, Hitler wrote:
"All this was inspired by the principle - which is quite true in itself - that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation."
The story that "19 extremist Muslim hijackers" committed the crimes of 9/11 is the biggest Big Lie in history--and probably the most obvious one as well. Those crimes were in fact committed by elements of the US national security community who wanted the "New Pearl Harbor" that the Project for a New American Century called for in a position paper issued in September, 2000 called Rebuilding America's Defenses. If you don't care that your own President, Vice President, Secretary of Defense and National Security Advisor, among others, conspired to launch a false-flag attack in which the World Trade Center was demolished while thousands of people were inside, in order to promote an outrageous, racist, genocidal Big Lie, and destroy American Constitutional democracy, you're either an enlightened being or a subhuman idiot. In fact, if you thought that there were even a ten percent chance that this was true, yet did not devote all of your energies to determining whether in fact it was true, and if so what could be done about it, you would be living not much above the animal level.
You claim to be an objective university professor, yet, by reading your book I see that the fair and balanced news anchor Sean Hannity feels that you are a corrosive influence. What do you say to those folks who feel that you are a dangerous individual, and shouldn't be allowed to teach our children?
Even more fair-and-balanced O'Reilly thinks Hannity is too easy on me--Hannity just thinks I should be fired, O'Reilly wants me taken out in a mob hit!
For those who want to protect the youth of Athens from the likes of me, I would say: If they're old enough to die for a lie, they're old enough to face the truth.
If these people really want to protect their children from evil, dangerous professors, they should hunt down and kill every last disciple of the neoconservative cult leader Leo Strauss. The Straussians are working overtime for the destruction of American liberal democracy and the installation of a fascist regime: "For Strauss, American liberal democracy, Weimar revived, is an evil threatening all truly human existence."
Most of Bush's 9/11 cabinet--Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle, Fleischer etc. etc. -- are Straussians. They are on a mission to destroy American democracy and turn the US into a presidential dictatorship. They believe that politics is war, that everyone but themselves is "the enemy," and that manipulating the masses with unending lies, stealing elections, murdering political opponents, killing people randomly in false flag attacks, and so on is not just justifiable, but highly recommended.
I hear all the time that Islam is a religion of peace, but isn't every terrorist in the world a Muslim? Shouldn't we be freaking out every time some foreigner prays in public in a language we can't understand? To follow up, isn't racial profiling the best way to ensure safety on international flights?
There are Muslims who are struggling to free their lands from foreign occupation, just as Buddhists did in Vietnam, Catholics did in Latin America, Christians like Mandela did in Africa, and so on. But the idea that anti-imperialist Muslims would carry out the 9/11 attacks is far more preposterous than the idea that Vietnamese Buddhists would have done so during that war. Use some common sense, people! Anybody smart enough to successfully carry out 9/11 would be smart enough to see how strategically stupid it would be. That's why Buddhists didn't do it during Vietnam, Nicaraguans didn't do it during the Contra wars, and so on. You don't attack a massive military power in its homeland to get that power out of your country! You attack its forces IN your country! Or to put it another way: "If you attack the king, you have to kill him." Launching a Pearl Harbor style attack doesn't kill the king, doesn't diminish his military power -- it puts it on steroids. That's why the neocons were yearning for a "New Pearl Harbor" -- because it would rally the people, juice up military budgets, trigger wars of aggression, and roll back the Constitution.
The idea that "fanatical Muslims" are such logistical geniuses they could pull it off, yet such strategic morons they would want to, is profoundly irrational. It is based on the massive unconscious racism that colors Americans' attitude toward Muslims. Many leftists are such fanatical anti-religion fundamentalists, and unconscious racists, that they easily accept the ludicrous picture of Muslims as "idiot geniuses" who would do 9/11 for no reason, while making no demands, claiming no responsibility, gaining no benefit, etc.
In short, unless you're part of an occupation, the only Arab-Muslim types you need to worry out are the CIA-MI6-Mossad stooges -- easily-manipulable morons like the shoe bomber, guys who can't even get a match lit, who are recruited by Western intelligence to serve as patsies in false-flag attacks aimed at smearing Muslims and legitimizing anti-Muslim genocide.
The last two questions were sort of tongue-in-cheek, designed to approximate the kind of questions you get all the time from right-wing bloviators. But speaking honestly now, I'd like to relate a story from my life. I got into it a few months back with a coworker who claimed that what we need to do is nuke every Muslim country, and that would stop all this violence. I got really upset and raged on him for several minutes until the boss had to step in and resolve the conflict. This coworker was a sniper in the Kosovo conflict. He told me during another conversation that after some time in that war he started to see all the Muslims as the enemy, even though they were the people he was supposed to be protecting.
It brought home to me that the worst part about this kind of war is the brutalizing effect it has on our soldiers and their supporters, by stripping away their ability to see the essential humanity in our brothers and sisters of other races and cultures. To me, this is the worst part of the 9/11 mess, that we have been forced to accept this story that Muslims attacked us on 9/11, and therefore we are compelled to wage war on Muslims worldwide. In a world where over a billion people profess to be Muslims, isn't this battle totally counterproductive, and doomed to self-destruction? And if so, how should we go about ending terrorism and stopping this terrible war?
The only hope is 9/11 truth. All this hatred and murder is the product of the 9/11 smear job. Currently 84% of the American people do not believe the official story -- but only 36% realize it was mass murder and high treason by their own leaders. Once that 36% rises to over 50% the Big Lie will come crashing down, and the genocide plans will grind to a halt.
What if you were successful, and people started debating the 9/11 false flag terror attacks on national television? Wouldn't the right-wing corporate media still find a way to get it wrong? I'm reminded of the flap when CNN Headline News had Charlie Sheen on to discuss the controversy and it quickly faded as fast as it appeared.
Of course they'll get it wrong. But they'll soon be held accountable for getting it wrong. Network owners and executives will be among the first to be hanged after the new Nuremburg trials, and the monopoly media will be trust-busted up forever.
Bill O'Reilly totally went off on a young man named Jeremy Glick, whose father was killed in the World Trade Center. He basically claimed that Glick was suggesting that "we" caused the 9/11 attacks. And yet, if you read the transcript, he said nothing of the kind. Given this kind of treatment by the national media, isn't it sort of understandable that people have been reluctant to discuss 9/11 truth? And on that same subject, isn't it hard to get people to believe you when prominent liberals won't even dicuss the issue? I got all upset over this latest crisis in Oaxaca and couldn't believe that not even liberal talk radio would go near it. It's as if the clearest examples of fascist repression are off limits even for real progressives.
You touched on this a little in your book about Left gatekeepers and the blowback theory, but can you go a little deeper? Why do folks like Amy Goodman and Thom Hartmann keep refusing to discuss this totally obvious reality?
They're cowards. They're complicit. They suck foundation money. They're Goebbels-lite. They need to be tried at the new Nuremburg alongside the likes of O'Reilly.
Strong words from an American original, a man who says what he means and means what he says. As progressives, we may not always agree with everything our friends and neighbors say, but when we see an injustice, we are required to speak out. And when our friends in the public eye are unwilling to air this truth, it can be extremely frustrating. Hopefully, the two individuals I mentioned to Kevin will have the courage to change their tune on this issue soon enough. But even if they don't, this movement will continue no matter what. Because when our own government has the power to rewrite history as it's being written, it is extremely difficult to mount an effective resistance unless all of us pitch in.
For those of you who'd like to learn more about the 9/11 myth, and Kevin Barrett's attempts to expose them as such, purchase his book, "Truth Jihad: My Epic Struggle Against the 9/11 Big Lie" today!
Inside the Book:
Book Jacket
Chapter One - The Commentators
Chapter Two - The Investigators
Chapter Three - The Agitators
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